4 Rounds for Reps: Max Unbroken Push Ups Max Unbroken Single leg squats (full set on one leg and then the other) Plank hold
4 Rounds for Reps: Max Unbroken Push Ups Max Unbroken Single leg squats (full set on one leg and then the other) Plank hold
50-40-30-20-10 Burpees Push Up Sit Up Tuck Up
“The 555 Standard” 5 RFT 15 Air Squats 15 Burpees 15 Hand Release Push Ups
Buy in: 100 Double Unders (or Penguin Hops) the, 5 RFT: 30 alternating jumping lunges 30 air squats 30 Burpees Cash Out: 100 Double Unders
25 50 Push Ups 100 Burpees 150 Sit-Ups 200 Lunges
20 Minute Run for Max distance *E2MOM 20 air squats starting at 00:00
For Time 50 Handstand Push Ups 50 Pistol Squats 25 Wall Facing HSPU 75 Alt Reverse Lunges
5 Rounds For Time 500m Run 20 Sit-Ups 500m Run 20 Jump Squats
20 Min EMOM Minute 1: 12 Jump Squats Minute 2: 12 Burpees Minute 3: 12 Handstand Push-ups Minute 4: 12 Burpees
Run 800m Run 400m backward Run 800m Run 400m backward